
Showing posts from January, 2013

i miss you

  the first time we met you were so cool   the place that brought us together am always excited to see you near the chairlift   the night we got closer love the drink. love the chat. love that night   thanks to the park one of the happiest memories in nz i miss u will we meet again i always wonder take care my dear

not a dream

didnt expect a breakfast meet up would turn into a business planning discussion. the outcome is certainly positive. we have better ideas, proper strategy, clearer picture of what we wanna do. im so excited that Yao and I share the same direction. our ideas are brilliant!  i always know my BFF would support my dream. ooops, it's not a dream, it's something we would achieve together. shall put more effort in doing research. cant wait to see it happen!  at the meanwhile, im still job hunting. still waiting for that perfect job. i'll wait.     just like what i wrote in the essay at the interview  it's not the matter of can or cannot it's whether i wanna do it or not

重新 爱上 写作

继前几天糟糕的面试经验后,今天我又去面试啦。由于面试我的人不是高层,他也没什么问题要问,就叫我随便写一些有关我的事情,好让他的老板更了解我。是他叫的,那我当然不客气啦。 没一下子我就把A4纸塞满了我的工作经验、打工度假时难忘的人事物、家人朋友对我追求梦想的鼓励和支持,还有我那伟大的梦想。还真的有点难以置信我没15分钟就写完了。这也印证了做自己喜欢的事是那么的自然和轻松啊! 那个应征我的人看见我写满了一面,背面还写了一大段,就和我说其实不用谢那么多,哈哈。本小姐就是有很多要分享的事。忽然,写作的瘾蠢蠢欲动。是时候好好整理我的思绪,开始实行一直没勇气完成的事,不然那永远只是空谈。加油吧!   原来当初的梦想还在  一直都在,是我忽略了他 是我太懒散,是我借口太多 我会努力的,我回来了!


  向现实妥协但绝不低头,我相信我做得到! 上个星期给了自己一个期限,如果国外的工作再没有消息就乖乖地申请本地的工作。所以这星期我必须履行对自己的承诺。就如我的预料,工作一申请马上就有面试机会。秉着不想错过任何新的机会,有份感觉还可以的工作找上门,我就去面试了。 本来以为新的领域应该蛮新鲜的,去面试时还满怀兴奋。可是看见面试主管的那副嘴脸真的很令我反感。尤其是他很不屑地翻我的履历,然后一直质疑我去打工度假的目的。还问我为什么我的父母任由我那么任性。我不怪他的孤陋寡闻。如果打工度假是任性的行为,那么我们一点都不对盘。所以我很诚实地告诉他我不想留下来。 我很清楚我的心不想留在马来西亚。外面的世界太吸引了。所以没得到这份工作我一点也不后悔。我肯定没办法和那么古板的主管合作。反而更令我明白自己的心意。我真的真的还不想放弃。所以呢,海外工作继续申请-ing。加油! 当然,如果本地有好的发展机会我也会试试。毕竟现实还是残酷的。没有工作,如何存钱去旅行、和朋友创业、还有完成一堆的梦想呢。

the best is yet to come

im confident that we'll have a bright future 5+3 jia you!!! sis, jia you!!! ai ai, jia you!!! samantha, jia you!!! everyone jia you!!!

rosanne vs xiang yun

  i always think my ex client, rosanne and  media corp actress 向云 have 明星脸 ok a totally random post on a boring saturday evening i should do something more productive such as???   ok i should work harder to secure a job, ciao!


看了小瑶送的旅游书发现很多人去旅行都要找伴。无论是去多安全或多危险的地方都必须有朋友陪才能成行。 这不禁让我想起其实我蛮勇敢的。只身一人去NZ, 虽然很快就找到 travel mate,可是有一半的时间我是自己一人在旅游的。 自己一人驾车绕了半个北岛,搭巴士玩了4份之3个南岛。 一人入住双层民宿。冒着危险走了一段因火山爆发而关闭的步道。 错过了员工巴士竟然走下山(那车程要30分钟吖,幸好半路有好心人士让我搭便车,哈哈) 还有很多一个人的冒险。如果和朋友一一说明,他们一定觉得我太疯狂了。 可是有些事情现在不做,就真的一辈子也没冒险的勇气了!

keep walking

  miss those days when i can simply walk on the streets without worrying about hot weather, potholes, and bad guys  miss the evenings when i was busy cooking dinner with other backpackers snowboarding or hiking on days off grocery shopping at pak n save seeing rainbow almost every other day   oh i miss NZ

lucky lucky ~

  just as everyone who got back from working holiday we gotta face the ugly reality and get a job to pay for our bills  i know i dont wanna stay here i know i wanna get out there  not easy, but miracle might happen any time it wont be a smooth journey but im all ready for it wish me luck to get out there again  ps: i wonder what are the lucky lucky members doing right now. 5 of us are back in malaysia. 1 still in NZ, 1 travelling in Aus. some are still good friends. some had fought hard and left the group. what's next? 

luyi's super awesome 2012

  first important occasion of the year - my birthday celebrated with kepong gang and 5+3 =)    attended AW in HK visited sis before we embark on our adventurous journeys catch up with friends, made new friends and visited ocean park    working holiday in NZ started on 25 march first photo in NZ   first job - grape harvester in blenheim met first bunch of friends here too   second job - potato harvester in ashburton met more friends here, in love with ashburton because i love my friends   the awesome people in ashburton holiday park farewell dinner hosted by the malaysians   third job - potato grader at talley's  i miss team 1. and the potatoes, haha   forth job - F&B attendant at Mt Ruapehu having a great great time with awesome colleagues   my favorite asian gang member we picked up snowboarding and skiing together spent most of our time baking and ...