
Showing posts from August, 2006


祝大家: 国庆日快乐~~ 祝佩仪: 生日快快乐乐... 快高长大哦~~ 祝福我: 一切顺利... yeah~~


刚轻松了2个星期... 又有一堆作业让我忙了... 我依然那么懒散... 一开电脑就忙着玩yahoo game, 不然就check mail, 在friendster找八卦... 就是不想做功课... 唉... 算了啦... 只要开心就好... 哈哈... 什么作业... 管他的... 最近的随笔都很短... 原因是没什么特别的事情发生... 再加上我真的很忙+很懒...

Plagiarism is bad!!

a silly copy cat in my class plagiarised our group work... it's obviously foolish to do so coz the discussion board clearly showed that we posted the work earlier than her group... she din even bother to add in her ideas but just paraphrase our thoughts... what a lazy cat... Jess realised that last week n she was very sad about it... im angry with them as well... i hate copy cats... miaow...

it's 1:38 am

很夜了, 但还是睡不着... 也许是午觉时睡太久了... 最近老是觉得很累... 做什么都提不起精神... 除了shopping... 哈哈... 常花钱... 心痛, 但控制不了购买欲... mel今天又向我诉说她觉得有点跟不上degree的课业... 我倒觉得还好... 才刚开学5个星期... 慢慢来吧... 我一直对自己超有信心的... 所以也不知该怎么安慰她... 只能叫她别想那么多... 会渐渐适应吧... 我, 也该睡了... 晚安咯... 若倩和我

Mr Koo =)

luo qian said he's not cool... not good looking... lame... n she cant understand why i love him so much... im not sure as well... haha... do think that he's cool... especially during the thomas cup... wish him all the best in Korea Open... jia you jia you~~~

week 5

it's already the 5th week i started degree... life is still the same... attending classes as usual... but i have to annuonce that im not late to class anymore... haha... i'll remember what ms karam told me on the morning that i was late for her class... there is no enough tables n chairs here, u can leave if u want ... im so so annoyed when she said that to me... i know it's my fault for being late, but why she has to be so mean to me... im totally offended... so i have made the decision for not being late to all her classes, in fact i must be earlier than her... haha... n i manage to do so... im so proud of myself... i have lots of assignments in degree program... anyway, i think im still alright with all these work... as what my supervisor used to tell me, i work better under stress... haha =p i have a classmate who work as a model... her name is Ayumi ... she told me that i look like an actress... that's her first impression towards me... but she cant remember the na...

happy birthday, daddy!



昨天第一次在公路上遇到爆胎事件, 超倒霉的... 放学后, 便兴致勃勃地驱车回家... 一心想着快点儿到家, 便可与妹妹去购物, 顺便买爸爸的生日礼物... 怎知道, 人算不如天算... 在路途中不知撞到了什么... 只听见一阵巨响... 原本以为没什么大碍, 就没理会它吖... 在上天桥时听见车子发出怪声, 但一阵子又没了... 就继续驾咯... 可是, 在上另一个天桥时, 很明显的车子驾不动了... 我拼命踩油门, 车子还是慢慢的... 我知道大事不妙了... 唉... 唯有把车子停在路旁... 车轮果然爆胎了... 幸好还有mel和jess陪着我... 不然我一定会在车里大哭... jess陪我到附近的店找人帮忙... mel就在车里等我们... 走了蛮远的, 发现一间卖汽车零件的店... 不管那么多了, 我走进店里, 装出一副很可怜的样子, 希望他们派人帮我换车轮... 他们原先叫我到另一间店去... 但后来又告诉我可以帮我... 被安排帮我的那位仁兄好像不怎么愿意... 没办法吖, 还是得帮我... 哈哈... 他载我们到停放车子的地方, 看了一下... 就说必须先回店里去拿些工具... 其实我还蛮担心他一去不回头了... 等了蛮久的... 若他真的丢下我们3个弱质女流不管... 太没风度了吧... 正当我在想该不该再走到那间店去请求他们... 那仁兄又出现了... 我真是不该以小人之心度君子之腹... 以他那齐全的工具, 加上训练有家的技术... 一会儿就把新的车轮换上了... 虽然他的样子有点不爽, 可能是天气炎热吧, 但他只收我RM10... 我还以为他会乘火打劫... 看来我真的太多心了... 哈哈... 遇到这样的鸟事, 真的太倒霉了... 讨厌!! 虽然以前车轮也爆胎过, 但都是在家里发现的... 没在公路上那么惨... 幸好有人肯帮忙... 不然, 我该怎么办... 经过这事件后, 我已想好如何度过年尾的假期... 那就是参加修理车子的课程... 以后遇到什么事都可自己解决... 那不是很好吗? 哈哈... 不可让男生看不起我们... 其实换车轮也不怎么难吧...


昨晚我竟然梦见古健杰... ^ ^ 超幸运的... 这个梦令我兴奋了一整天... 真是爽!! 在梦里他不但与我合照... 帮我签名... 印象中他还有说我很可爱... 哈哈... 若倩看到这应该会吐吧... 很可能还会大骂我无聊兼无知... hahahaha... 我就是爱说自己可爱... 那又怎样... =p 梦中的他好高大... 不很帥但很有型... 在梦里我俩的互动还不错... 有说有笑的... 看来我真是'入梦太深'了... 好希望那不是梦而是在现实生活中发生... 看样子我该到Bukit Jalil碰碰运气... 也许真的有机会与他见面兼实现我的'春秋大梦'... 听说他为人和蔼可亲... 合照, 拿签名应该不难吧... 祝福我吧~~

class is cancelled

i have 3 hours break now... wish i could go shopping... hahahaaha... pyramid is not opened yet... hmm... bored... bored... bored... dear YF , i know it's tough to study alone out there... away from family n love ones... hope u can overcome it soon... there're always ups n downs in life... just do accordingly to what u have in your mind... support u always... i know u'll be alright soon... coz u r blessed with tons of support n warm regards from all of us... all the best ya... n take care of yourself there... miss u... jia you~~


连续在电脑前苦战了3天... 发现自己疲累不堪... 肩膀酸痛... 而且一夜间变得苍老了许多... 我真的老了... 不能熬夜了... 辛苦了几天... 作业总算完成了... 希望导师的青睐... 至少我的努力没白费... Degree和diploma的教学方式真的有大大的不同... 以前, 得过且过... 成绩还不错... 现在, 不多费功夫都不行... 要顺利毕业... 还得加把劲... 加油!! 加油!! 加油!!

im free!!

finally the stupid weblog assignment is done... i can enjoy my weekend... i wan to shop with Luo Qian n all... i wan to try KFC's latest cheezy meltz... i wan to watch Click... anyway, there'll be more assignments coming soon...


still suffering... hate the blog assignment... i cant enjoy the lovely weekend becoz of that... it's due next friday... oh my GOD... can i just hand in this blog as my coursework?? it sounds ok to me... this blog quite nice ma... ohhh... can someone just do it for me... i'll pay u... i like DDP but i hate assignments... coz im a lazy pig... hahahaha... n I am CRAZY ... ya i am going to be crazy soon... thanks to ms jenny n DDP...

im tired of blogging

i have to create a blog as a coursework for the subject DDP, desktop design n publishing... a course im taking in degree... i have spent hours thinking n planning what to be included in that blog... the entries have to be professional review n critique of what i have read... im tired of doing that n im lazy to work on it anymore... can i just fail this assignment... ahhh... degree is totally different from diploma... i have tons of readings waiting for me everyday... lots of researches... quizzes... assignments... the work that i hate the most is posting comments/ opinion/ critiques in the discussion board every week... isn't it a bit too 'ma fan'... n i hate reading world news everyday... i want holiday...