
Showing posts from September, 2008

i need a break

OMG... im seriously super tired these 2 weeks... Yao is leaving soon, i dont even have the time to spend more quality time with her... i really wish to meet her more often... it seems like we have not done something special + unforgetable yet... i wont say that i hate my job, but it is really tiring n challenging... especially when u r working with unpredictable colleagues and clients... i have work to bring home almost every weekend... but some of them dont even have to work on friday... unfair!! mummy asks me not to complain too much as not everyone in the company can be trusted... the more i reveal, the more they can bitch about me... sometimes i really dont care as i need to release all the tension + disappointment... since i started internship, i realised working life is not fun at all... yup, you'll be super proud when your event goes well... you get to meet celebrities... if you are lucky enough, you'll get nice goodie from clients... however, behind all this glitz n gla...

fly kite-ed

our kite flying outing is a failure as there aren't any stalls selling kites at metropolitan park in the morning... woke up early morning but ended up taking merely a stroll under the hot sun then we have to leave coz it's really too hot... our kie flying plan always tak jadi... next year when yao is back for summer holidays again, i must ensure that 5+3 will get to fly kite... that's my duty as 5+3 vice president... haha... saw some models taking pictures in yoga pose... Yao commented that their pose isn't proper... i bet she can do better than them.. haha... went for breakfast plus chit-chatting... it has been quite some time since all 5+3 members gathered around to catch up... however, it's difficult to get everyone as each of us is busy with own stuff... yao and xiao you are the regular kaki to hang out with lately.. really miss those times when we go shopping + movie + purikura + japanese food... anyway it's great to meet up with just both of them as we hav...

luyi in action

went for Bayer event this morning... it's the launch of World Contraception Day 2008... i was the facilitator aka MC... everything was ok... luckily quite a number of media turn up... or else sure kena marah by the fren from india... she was quite friendly today... should be in good mood bah... haha... met lavin seow n christien new... they can be seen everywhere loh... i mean in most of the events, you may meet them... anyway, highlight of the day is not me being the MC, it's the lunch... it's buffet lunch... it has been quite some time since i went for buffet... buffet is a compulsory outing for my family every chinese new year... but i missed it this year coz i was in Sabah, kept falling n tripping in the virgin forest of long pasia... back to the buffet... i love the mushrooms + rendang + ice-cream + pasta... ps: since they got a professional photographer, so i posed for a picture loh... dont wanna waste his effort mah... haha...


之前被同事训了几句... 在公司里差点哭了... 还得当作没一回事, 硬着头皮继续工作... 觉得自己超委屈的... 只是打一份工而以... 而且都平起平坐... 他凭什么批评我... 那几天假假很开心地去上班... 其实心里超难受... 跟妈妈投诉... 她说每一份工作都一样要受气... 不要太相信人就行了... 心情低落了几天... 一直在想为什么我会有这般遭遇... 今天看电视... 有个眼睛看不见的小弟弟立志要当音乐老师... 虽然是瞎子却对世界充满希望... 我这个四肢健全的人凭什么在埋怨... 一小点挫折就被打败太不像我了... 我那么幸福... 有那么多人疼我 + 保护我... 我一定要好好加油... 不可以衰给坏人看...

B&O * pavilion

today is public holiday for selangor but poor luyi has to work... traveled all the way to starhill for an interview... NTV7 breakdast show will be interviewing B&O... that's my first time arranging for a broadcast interview... was quite excited... according to both my gps, it is safer for me to take monorail as they are sure that i will get lost if i drive to KL... so i took the train with sis... im bringing sis along not because im worried that i might get lost k, i just want to spend more time with her before she leaves for sabah... poor sis has to wander around starhill while waiting for me... the interview went slightly longer than expected coz the journalist is super excited with B&O products... hence he took some time experimenting the products... he is the first person i met at work who is younger than me =) after the interview, went to pavilion for lunch with sis... then brought her to forever 21 to expereince the super huge outlet... we were quite lucky as the stor...

it's dessert day


adventure race * dinner * yum cha

woke up at 6.15am to help at sis's adventure race... special thanks to yao for helping + teman-ing me while feeding mosquitoes n being introduced to my raleigh family... hope she enjoyed herself there... haha... the race was not bad despite the low response n hot weather... a great experience for both the organizers n participants... as well as the staffs... met a few new faces n some old frens, including the lousy medic... he's the medic again... some1 ffk last minute...anyway, since he saved me from getting lost on my way back, i should not bitch about him... haha... overall, everything was running quite smoothly... however, a very dramatic incident happened in the midst of the event... hope bj is doing fine now... heard that he got 7 stitches due to the accident... scary-nya... after the race, i was super exhausted... did not join mum n cousins for dessert... slept for 2 hours before i went dinner with aunts n their families... had a wonderful time cathing up with cousins......


farewell for our drama queen - Ai Ai


自从换了新工作, 一切看似很顺利... 身边的朋友都感觉得到我比在之前的公司上班时开朗多了... 不再埋怨工作上的不顺... 不再投诉老板的白痴... 一个月了, 我也很开心自己找到喜欢的工作... 和同事相处都很和谐... 工作环境也不错... 有无限的零食和饮料供应... 有时候还有免费午餐... 可是, 这两天问题出现了... 老板已不止一次暗示我 coverage 太低... 要我想办法 pitch for more coverage... client 忽然说了很重的话... 我感觉压力好大... 我只不过接手一个月... 一时要我兼顾那么多东西... 有点透不过气来... 有时侯会觉得自己不够努力... so 一直告诉自己要尽力... 要 approach 更多 media... 可是我能做的我都做了... 真的有想过自己 publish newspaper... 那么就可以刊登任何 client 的 news... 也可以帮 raleigh 宣传... 一举两得呢... 最近也感觉得出 president 对我的不满... 我承认我有点不负责任啦... 没好好处理他交代的事... 难怪他生气... 可是工作了一整天, 我很累了... 没心机做别的事... 每天回家后, 我只想休息... 我知道这不是借口... 情绪低落了两天... 够了... 该更加油了... 以我那冰雪聪明的资质... 没任何事情难得到我的... 加油加油!! luyi, 你是最棒的 =)

Sept monthly meet

farmer Ivan explaining about natural farming... look at CK... he is admiring the soil attentively... haha... the usual group pix =)

most memorable merdeka

也许是昨晚的 party 有点失败... raleigh gang 又有新的点子... 半夜去 gabai waterfall... 妈妈知道我半夜要出门有点吓到... 可是她也阻止不了我... haha... 去 waterfall 的路程有点远... 迷路了一下下... 上山的路很黑... 其实我还蛮怕的... 那个有 waterfall 有 natural slide... 很好玩... 可惜下雨了... 我们必须离开... 不然淹水的话会很危险... 去 look out point 看夜景... then, 去吃宵夜... 回家时已经是 6am 了... 这果然是令人难忘的 merdeka... 哈哈...