
Showing posts from May, 2010

may10 iw-ed

yes, it's YOU! the rainbow Alpha =) alpha coords richard-chin-luyi smkb clan is getting bigger, yay! coords gang! whatever u name it, we're a team!

the sis will b back in 12 hours

i have tidied up the room looks ok now, still random stuff are everywhere. no prob, i have got myself a very good excuse to explain that. haha plans for the weekend - IW so it'll be a raleigh weekend. no rain no rain no rain. bless me plans for next week - shopping, movie, food hahaha.. cant wait. as i will b less busy next week. i can go makan main lepak with my sis till our spore trip, yay!


what is LOVE? erm... it can be very simple, or complicated... abstract yet no-exact-definition kinda feeling... get to know through Fb that a junior from my high school is getting married to a MAN. her fiancé is older than her by quite a lot (according to their appearance la). he's bald. he's not lengcai at all, while my junior is not super pretty but she's good looking - cute n decent. why did she choose to marry an uncle? i know im bad, but i would categorize such a MAN as uncle. she's still young. still charming. still a long way to go. i seriously dont understand why. asked mummy. mummy said as long as the guy loves her n she loves the guy. why am i so kepoh? yes, im kepoh. just like what dino concluded on fri nite, luyi only likes lengcai. true enough. im always curious to find out why a pretty girl would date a not-so-good-looking or ugly guy. or uncle. becoz he's rich? becoz he's sexy? or what? not to say im pretty, but who doesnt fall for hot guys? at le...


从小就很容易被感动,尤其是电影里有关的亲情爱情友情的情节,我都很容易被感动得掉眼泪。 但看书就算很感动也不会掉眼泪。 也许是书里的形容不比电影来得有画面吧。 可是最近不知是否年级大了,很容易掉眼泪。常有想哭的冲动。 上次看陶晶莹的《我爱故我在》,就一直在哭,尤其是她在说自己怀孕时的故事。 超感人的。我每次看回那一篇故事都会哭。妈妈真的很伟大! 最近在看黄爱琳的《再苦也要去旅行》就被沙漠马拉松当义工的故事感动得半命。 当然认识我的人都知道我这辈子大概也不可能参加什么马拉松,更何况去沙漠跑250km,有什么好感动的呢? 当我在读那些马拉松所发生的事迹时,去年参加 RIMM 的点点滴滴又涌上心头。 书里说有个选手不见了背包,用品和食物都丢了。其他的选手就纷纷把自己的粮食分给他。 那让我想起了我买的那10瓶 yakult, 原本打算在第二天的早餐拿来surprise 大家的。 因为觉得背包太重,跑不动了。就在路途上解决了一瓶又一瓶。希望减轻重量。超搞笑的。 还有我准备的一堆粮食。零嘴比实际的食物更多。难怪我的背包那么重。哈哈。 另一个启发是选手受伤了仍坚持继续步行,不要上车。因为坐上车子就表示弃权。 我还记得警察叔叔告诉我要把车子驾到我们的所在地有些困难,但疲惫的我坚持走不动了,一定要坐车子。当时的我一定很惹人厌吧。我还装了一副我快晕倒的模样才骗到警车来载我一程。 一个又一个的选手抵达检查站。距离终点就更近一步。那是非常感人的。 虽然我没完成比赛,但看见大家安全回到终点。我很兴奋,也很庆幸。


我相信参加了 Raleigh 的人一定会变,无论想法,或行为。 至少会更有勇气追寻自己的梦想。做自己想做的事,就算全世界觉得你是怪胎。 但也有例外。 有些人天生是个怪胎,或者不是心甘情愿地参与。他们怎么也不会改变和进步。 看了 RHK 几位仁兄的blog, 我更加确定我是正常的。 虽然不认识或不熟,读了他们的感想,我很庆幸有人明白我,有人和我目标一致。 常在想是我太前卫了,还是大众太保守了。 为什么我有那么多梦想?而且我认为我的梦想都是可以实现的 =) 为什么我不认为放弃工作去寻梦是不应该的?我觉得有勇气放弃的人很酷! 原来那被称为Raleigh effect... 症状: 工作和赚钱不是人生的全部。勇于踏上与众不同的人生路。 不管别人眼光,认为想做的事就朝着目标前进。 就算被全世界误会或看不起,就是努力努力地实现梦想。 没有经历 Raleigh 的人是不会明白 expedition 带来的震撼和感动。 那种心照不宣的会心一笑,是有共同经历的人才会明白的。 没有水电供应仍可以夜夜笙歌;没有共同语言仍可以成为好朋友。 什么都没有,最原始的才是最美的。 简单的生活,适中的存款,自由的人生,那就够了。 我是时候出走了。我期待2011!


random random stuff

i need a lot of these... to get rid of the recent emo-ness one week is the dateline what i did on fri nite? no not clubbing. but midnite movie at lake gardens the video n audio system. cool! sis sounds so hong-kie lor im jealous. i must get into NOW TV soon hahahahahaha only the PROs understand this =)


亲爱的, 我知道梦做久了,会不舍得。 因为梦很美,很感人,很可爱。 可是梦毕竟不是真实的,适时的觉悟很重要。 要是再执迷不悟,我会看不起你。 搞了那么久,够了吧。有必要再让自己陷下去吗? 够了,真的。 醒醒吧,面对现实其实没有很难。 不依赖,不期待,不乱想。 做自己!加油! 我知道你行的。

lessons learnt

lesson 1: not everything he said is GOOD yea i realise that. progressing. trying not to listen to him. hence the 2 weeks challenge. lesson 2: How to reject ppl nicely? i must learn to reject ppl. im way too kind already lor. although i complain a lot, i hardly say NO to things n ppl that i dislike. must improve!! lesson 3: be more hardworking. haha. get more coverage. no more procrastination, plsss.

lizzie is coming to KL again!

labuan layang layangan beach still having post expedition blues still very tan =) the super cool MTV shirts. bought at sipitang our uniform. haha. our badminton dreams. yay! we drove almost an hour to look for the secret beach. mission fail all of us fell asleep in the 4WD except the driver, luckily. and yea, lizzie is coming to KL next month. for the nottingham games. she's playing badminton. yay! i wish i could watch her play live. i shall start learning the directions to semenyih. haha. i'll be meeting her again, after 2 years. it has been a long wait.. lets talk about tampasak, danum, sabah, UK and badminton. i must show her all the pictures i took in tampasak last year. our kindergarten is still in proper condition. im proud. i bet she's too. cant wait to see you, lizzie!

the PT-AiAi moments

i miss these moments. random talks. cam-whore. debates. food. laughter =)

I am featured in China Press

yes. i am featured. check this: after arranging for more than 30 interviews throughout my PR experience. finally im the interviewee this time. super excited. have been waiting since last tuesday to read the article. im glad she mentioned peiting's story. peiting is an essential part of my raleigh story. haha. my kindergarten in tampasak was featured again. i am so proud! but why is vincent's picture the biggest among all? i bet he paid the journalist. blek... =P 最開心的是,在幫助他人的過程中,我是在幫助自己改變,讓自己更加關懷世界。

Work In Progress

my 2011 plan. i've got the pounds. haha

the drama saturday

staff training. 1st session. was a little nervous. ppl ffk la. ppl complain la. raining la. i just lost my confidence. dunno why. sms-es from the boss was like some magic spell. i felt better really. everything started off quite smoothly until i was informed that the venue i have chosen for training was occupied by other event. OMG. first drama of the day. but it was settled easily. just changed venue lo. went back to our fav bukit jalil park. we were late coz transfering the logs took quite some time. luckily adrian started the ice breaking first. thanks a lot, man. started the training. game 1. break. game 2. set up tent. done. as usual, we took a very long time to decide where to lunch. we talked about mayday concert, iw, smkb, etc etc for about 20mins b4 we finally left the park. had some girly moments with ah chin in the car. thanks, girl. after logs, went to sri petaling for lunch. the awesome smkb team sat together to talk about our secret mission. i never expect the boys to be ...

陶晶瑩says: 承認

人生許多態度,越早想清楚越好。比如說,「承認」。 承認愛一個人,承認不愛一個人, 承認愛上一個不愛你的人, 承認愛上一個不適合你的人; 承認妳愛他只是寂寞得要死; 承認妳想結婚只是怕不嫁別人會用異樣眼光看妳; 承認你就是喜歡波大無腦的花痴; 承認你愛她愛得很卑微…… 怎樣,難不難? 上帝絕對是公平的,祂給了妳一些、也拿走妳一些; 不能抱怨,只能努力解決,因為,困境讓人長智慧。

陶晶瑩says: Girls at 20

20 SOMETHING 有人說,二十歲已經是成年人了;但以我來看,二十歲,還好小好小好小。 在我看,二十歲和三歲差不了多少。三歲的孩子,會自己大小便了,會問問題,發表意見了,但任性的時候不少;可是,大多時候,仍可用玩具、糖果搞定... 所以,二十歲比三歲多一點的是,他們可以到更遠的地方,但卻仍然像個孩子般地容易受傷、任性,對人情世事一知半解,還很小,still very young。 Girls at 20 去探索、去玩、去奔放,偶爾瘋狂、別太失控。 戀愛最好能談個四、五段;別想在這個時期結婚,因為妳自己的經驗不夠、判斷就會失準。 先用妳的本性、野性去戀愛,再從每一個不同對象身上學習,然後修練自己。 少跟男友去逛家俱店和市場,別沉浸在那種兩個人好像新婚夫妻般的幻想裡,妳會害死自己。 當然,看著他時眼神還是要專心地迷濛,但心裡要冷靜地告訴自己:「等一下,再等一下,他有可能只是過客。」 多去旅行、看書、看電影,多去做一些妳夢想中想做的事、去妳夢寐以求的地方,因為在二十幾歲不做、以後可能沒機會了──就算以後有機會,那感覺是不會一樣的。 累積各方面的經驗:工作經驗、戀愛經驗、被騙、吃虧,還有受害的經驗。 二十歲的女孩,體力正好,多去體驗。但不是要妳去濫交。 有些事,還是要三思。 比如說刺青,比如說整型。 人的長相是會變的,氣質也是,多給自己一些成長的機會,不要輕易改變妳的容貌。 二十歲,有什麼好怕的。

infamous kwunyam san

sis sent me the picture. they talked about our story again. haha. guess we're the legends of RIMM.. our getting lost n being rescued drama gets higher hits than the couple who proposed during the closing ceremony. haha. ps: i will be interviewed by China Press later. nothing to do with getting lost. haha. it's about expedition. looking at my pictures, i realised how tan i was when i just came back from sabah. wow. it has been 2 years. n im going to sabah again this aug =)

ck's flying on a jetplane

nothing gonna change the friendship we share. take care, buddy!

sing k - pillow talk

i did not sleep on 30th april went shopping alone at one u to get mayday concert ticket. lunch. n ck's farewell gift. oh also snacks for monthly meet. rush home to get ready for ck's farewell karaoke session. haha ck's farewell was a blast we makan-minum-nyanyi-ketawa terbahak-bahak he's quite emo. think he will miss us a lot. we will miss him too. the very important guy in comm. sang till 3am. that's a record. i still have to attend MM the next morning. what a responsible skills officer! woon chin stayed overnite at my place. we decided not to sleep as we know we will oversleep. haha. but we couldn't tahan at 4.30am. so we off the lights. dunno why we started pillow talk. as a result, we're still awake at 630am. im very shocked when i realise that she's not as blur as i thought. think girls are pretty sensitive when it comes to things like that. haha. girl's instinct mah. her info was pretty shocking. that's why i couldn't sleep. but thanks ...