
Showing posts from June, 2010

going for a walk

dear readers, i'll be going for a walk tmr. when im back, it's july already. haha. monthly reports. aiks. trying my best to finish b4 i leave. but world cup is more interesting of coz =P havent packed a single thing yet. omg. still checking work email. coz my boss didnt know i'll be on holiday. oh! i survived in spore. so i guess i'll be doing good this time too. so i approved my leave. 3 working days. haha. sorry munseng, told u im not going, but i think if it's fated to happen, i shall just let it be. haha. i'll be fine. no worries. see u soon!

mudhut building

it's like playing with a huge tub of playdoh =P

R for R.A.L.E.I.G.H

3 generation of anaks rica-alpha, shon-bravo, leong-delta n they still call me Mama ms chong - a great fren. ex PR. partner in crime i dont care how ppl gossip behind our back yea, we're a clique! alpha coords wearing the same shirt it's unplanned. but it just happened mini mayday concert by the longkang it's great to meet ppl with the same passion terima kasih, Raleigh! only raleighians will do this with me =) i appreciate your effort. haha. words cant describe how much passion i have for Raleigh (the events & the ppl) i wish i have a time travel machine so i could get back to pangkor aka mamutik with comm term 08/09 i also wanna go back to borneo expedition spring 08 all the bday surprises. yumcha sessions. random gatherings


在 singapore 无意中看到这电影的海报,就一直很想去看。 原因一:片名是五月天的代表作,也是我最爱的歌曲。 原因二:香港制作。就算不能长期待在香港,看部电影解解乡愁也不错。哈哈。 终于在昨天meeting 了一天后,在 mid valley 和 christal 观赏了这部传说中没有性爱画面的三级片。第一次看三级片吖!哈哈。 喜欢戏中很无聊的对话。无聊得来很真实。很香港。很多粗口。 喜欢戏中的人物,很自然,就像身边随时路过的陌生人一样。 大家有着不同的故事,却又因为各种理由聚集在一起。 喜欢志明与春娇的邂逅。喜欢香港的 everything! ps: 很巧的在散场时遇见yihui。

happy birthday, pooh!

a last minute plan turned out to be a pleasant nite out for everyone. especially the alcoholics. haha! madam says: excessive drinking is not good for health. guess we are all too stressed with life. we need more entertainment. more friends. more laughter. thanks to the birthday girl, we got a very good excuse to gather around. to talk craps. to drink. to meet our friends. to do things that we wouldn't dare to do if we ain't together with raleigh-ians. i enjoyed the nite a lot. thanks to the ppl who came from every corner in klang valley. it has proven that madam can make good frens with mentakab posers, marathon runners, alcoholics, stalkers, n stand-up comedian wannabe. just like what i presented in my annual report: Raleigh is where I found friends and family. I mean true friends =) telling.friends!

another fruitful + amazing + crazy weekend spent with the R family. end of 09/10 committee term, also luyi's comm term =) i am glad to have known all of them, the good guys n the bad guys. self developed! thanks to my fellow colleagues. initially planned to make a super touching video for them coz i have not seen them cry. haha. but stupid stuff happened so i cancelled the plan. but, on fri nite when i was preparing my presentation, i changed my mind. i have to b fair to my R family. i cant let them down because of one stupid person. i still love them very much. so i did a simple video. with a lot of photos of our non-work-related-outings. i realised i have been spending a lot of awesome moments with the gals, poh-e, dino, karlye, sulan, christal, woonchin =) thanks gals~ i love u all. a lot a lot! promise u gals, especially for sulan, i will complete the original plan. it's my farewell gift to u! final decision, i am not serving the committee for this coming term. it doesnt me...

skills officer

a year ago, i presented skills officer's annual report on behalf of my best friend, peiting as she was away in kangaroo land. a year later, i will be presenting skills officer's report again, representing yap luyi. woahhh, it has been a year. 11 monthly meets. staff trainings. coord briefing. comm meets. iw. drama. comm trips. farewells. bday surprises. pillow talks. sabah tea... well, it's time to bid farewell. i like the last paragraph of my annual report. a lot. Despite the hiccups that happened along the way, term 2009/2010 brings me reminiscence of my Raleigh expedition. Thanks to the people, the events, the drama!


我期待,去香港。对对对,我在这两年内去了3次,干嘛还一直旧地重游? 不瞒你说,我在寻找着我的香港警察男友,哈哈。说真的,我对这个小岛,应该是说这堆小岛有着莫名的喜爱和憧憬。那里有太多的人事物值得我去探讨。就算回去100次,我想我也不厌倦。 除了香港,另一个可以让我痴迷的国家是台湾。最近偶像剧看多了,大学生了没追了一集又一集,对台湾更加痴迷。我恨不得明天就移民到那里去。 我要和五月天合唱志明与春娇,去台大看杰弟跳舞,参与大学生了每录影,到淡水骑脚踏车,到夜市吃个痛快,去五分埔买个痛快。(n the list goes on...) 期待8月再去sabah,我知道我也是去了3次。可是我真的真的还有很多未完成的事,未参观的地方。如果有一天我失业了,我会义无反顾地到那里教英文,中文也行啦,哈哈。我说真的。期待和 shuwoan 出海,期待看见海豚,期待和 dino + sulan 一起玩。 期待再次见到 cindy 和 peimei,继续聊个天南地北。这一次我们要去吃饺子哦,哈哈! 我也期待和小瑶的旅行。虽然还没决定要去哪里,但我确定一定会很好玩。5+3 的主席和副主席很久没一块出游了!超令人期待的! 期待这个星期六过后,我的人生会有怎样的改变?有更多的时间看偶像剧,逛街,发呆,见朋友。真的很期待! do what u love, love what u do~


加油加油加油! 就如五月天说的,没有梦想的人,连条咸鱼也不是。 la~ la~ la~ la~ la~

it's not complicated after all

after speaking to peiting i realised everything started because we're just humans n humans have emotions, hence we reacted that way it's not complicated after all.. haha.. im glad, peiting called me tonite. thanks, my old fren! oh ya, mr tan liu sheng, im back! thanks for calling. im still alive. haha.. lets go yumcha with daniel wong, sim poh kiat! everyone, im fine, im doing great, no worries!


always the best travel partners thanks sis! next stop: bangkok, taiwan, japan, south africa, iceland etc it came just at the rite time i have a better idea of LIFE~ little lulu's dream house ps: i want prince charming, i dont want Shrek! *enlarge the picture* the legendary yellow cab one thing i like about spore is i can walk along the streets n get surprises along the way

live from Sg

apa khabar? im posting this at grand mercure roxy hotel, spore. what a weird name for a hotel. weird location too. the only cool thing of the hotel - it's near the famous katong laksa. i had laksa for breakfast for 2 consecutive days. haha. very nice. it's a great get-away-break from the daily routine. i dont mean my work. i like my work. i dont mind working for it. but i mean the activities, ppl n organisation that i have been dealing with for the past 2.5 years. i need a break. from the drama. the nasty ppl. the gossips. the emails. i truly enjoy the 4 days 3 nites break with sis n lydia. not to forget the highlight of the trip. catching up with peimei n cindy. it's great to meet old frens. n talk about anything. gals, i believe u would eventually achieve what u want in life. mayb the route u're taking is slightly longer, but u'll reach the final point =) all the best! spore is not the country i like the most. but it's a good place for a short break. wandering...

wake up, dream on

one of my dreams came true.. wow, ah shin was rite in front of me.. i must join the concert in taiwan.. my next dream! 阿信是诗人。我爱阿信! 五月天提醒了我梦想的伟大 为什么要和别人一样? 日复一日,月复一月,年复一年 活出与众不同的自己! mayday concert 2010 终于终于我见证了宇宙最强天团五月天的现场演唱 亲眼看着他们,演绎一首首很有画面的歌曲,超感动的。 这场演唱会来得真是时候 随着五月天狂唱,所有烦恼都消失了 仿佛一切都不再重要,只有心里最初的梦想最清晰。 我相信10年后,我们还会在一起 人生海海 憨人 温柔 相信 拥抱 志明与春娇 疯狂世界 知足 这些歌曲,会陪伴着我每一个10年


原来我对之前的 drama 有些误会。原来这一次我还是主力演员。 不要问我为什么,就连自己也觉得很莫名其妙。 也许人红是非多吧。我的啊Q精神又进一步了。哈哈。 知道真相后,其实并没有很意外,只是很痛心。 一直不希望发生的事情终于发生了。 我不知道是自己连累了其他人,还是其他人连累我。那不重要了。 原来我一直很信任的朋友那么看我。无话可说了。 原来当一个人开始变了,就很难回到从前的样子。 原来是自己太天真了。 但我很庆幸发生了这么一件 drama 让我看清我所谓的好朋友。 什么promise 都是狗屁。只有我一人遵守,那有什么意义。 自己变了还来赖我,这种朋友不要也罢。 两年半的友谊,算了。 我为之前所作的努力哀悼。 对不起自己的诚意。对不起自己的一番好意。 对不起所有的关心和安慰。 对不起善良的自己。对不起我泛滥的义气。 原来,这都是我一厢情愿的友谊。 好朋友不是说说而已,是用心经营的。 如果你不领情,不要紧。混义气的人多得很。 我要再次感谢那些明白事理的好朋友。 那些才是真正的朋友。 感谢你们相信我的人格。感谢你们和我混义气。 感谢你们告诉我,我做错了什么而不是一味地在背后说我。 因为我很介意自己连辩护的机会都没有。 感谢你们和我共患难,而不是在一旁加盐加醋。 你们的一切一切,小女子铭记在心。 原来这世界坏人很多,是我自己一时忘了这道理。 陈某某,你吃屎吧! 原来你可以那么虚伪。 算了。真的算了。

drama drama

as much as i enjoy dramas, be it watching or being involved in one. i think that's enough of drama for the little society of 12 members. we have shared our thoughts. feelings. whatever shits that we wanna say out loud to each other. that's enough. why create more unnecessary episodes, when one is already way too much for the team. those who choose to keep things to yourself, that's really fine. coz i do that too when i realise that saying it out doesnt help the situation. guess now i can put myself into the shoes of the rest. i know how they feel when i was the main character in the previous drama. it's irritating. im very sorry, my dear frens n colleagues. a little note: frens are ppl who u can rely on no matter what happens. u can share anything, besides bf. haha. u have 100 millions of topics to talk about when u meet. u dont mind showing them the real YOU. that's fren! colleagues are ppl who u work with, willingly or unwillingly. it doesnt mean u're happy wi...