
Showing posts from November, 2011


台湾偶像剧真是我最有效的精神粮食。干吗每一个男主角都超帅、条件超好?我妈说世界上没有那样的人,就算有也不会让我遇到。我不信。 我一定可以在台湾遇到宋杰修。我也不介意成为山猪妹。林晓如和叶茹薏就只差两个字吖!而且她的英文名是 lulu, 哈哈。 没有宋杰修,项允杰也行。哈哈!朋友们,他们都比KKK好吧?别说我品味差了啦。

my girls

finally met up with kai yee and xiao you. it has been so long. too much to catch up. we have planned a short trip to celebrate 5+3's friendship! cant wait to meet up with everyone again, especially when yao is back next month. we have been friends for more than 10 years, yay!  this is a happy week. coz i met up with the boys on mon then the girls on sat. had so much fun with all of them. even though wed was a bad day for me, yes it's all because of work. i still consider this week a very contended one for me. i have made decisions. decided what i wanna do next. and working hard towards my goals. so yeah, i know i can make it with the support of my dear friends! love you all!     we were so cute. and we are still very cute =)

kena con again

the moral of the story: do not trust anyone when you are making important decision. only trust your instinct.    it's definitely happier that way. when you have no one to blame. you'll work your best to be happy. my only solution now is: stop complaining, and plan for the future. no point thinking about the past coz you cant change anything. 

awesome nite out with the boys

the impromptu dinner turned into birthday celebration for pohkiat and weisen. it was a great to catch up with everyone, although we just met last week. i have promised that i wont be complaining about work, i'll keep the promise, no worries lah. we had a lot of fun, discussing our future plans!  we talked about our carpark business again. initially it was my dream. now it has become everyone's dream. haha. i strongly believe that the guys love hanging out with me because i make them feel young. who on earth will teach them how to rob the bank/ start bbq chicken wings stall/ buy lottery etc.  we have new planned some cool stuff when aiai and peiting are back in Jan. cant wait to execute the secret dream-come-true mission together. cheers!  Happy Birthday, guys!

travel again?

watched an interview on astro about a lady who travels around the world with the budget of 10USD per day. her travel experience is quite inspiring, she went to middle east and tibet by hitchhiking. that needs a lot of courage and good luck! that's also the best way to initiate interaction with the locals. im sure the raleigh folks would love traveling to kampung-like places and make lots of kecohness, haha.  but i totally disagree that she went into some sights without paying the entrance ticket. she either sneaked in through the back door or pretended that she didnt see the guards. telling white lies during travel is acceptable, almost everyone has done that. but skipping the compulsory entrance fee is morally wrong, that's what i learnt in schools. of coz i knew that some entrance tickets are pretty expensive, so  if you cant afford, dont go in at all lor. you should contribute to the maintenance of the sights if you would like to visit them. at least i feel ...

idiots are just idiots

i have been complaining a lot about work. guess it's time to put a full stop to all the rantings. thanks to everyone who layan me, haha. i know you guys are tired, am sure your ears hate me! trust me, this is the last time i am complaining about this stupid company, and all the stupid clients.  work is still the same, full of crap. working hard to secure interviews, then on the day before the interview, client canceled it for the dumbest reason in the world, she has no time to brief the interviewee. seriously WTF, isn't that your job? what if i tell you i have no time to pitch the interviews?  clients are not always right! clients can be dumb too, very dumb at times. to the bimbo in HK, paying us a retainer doesn't mean that i am your slave or your robot who listens to you all the time, fulfilling all your silly requests, helping you clean the mess after you create havoc. i dont buy this idea at all. so stop trying to control me. i am not my boss. my boss can promi...


都说自从我从台湾回来后,就一直有好片上映,真的让我好想好想马上飞到台湾去看戏! 星光是由几米的作品改编为电影。最重要的是有五月天助阵,哈哈。除了有石头的演出,主题曲也是五月天的出品! PS: 以上的照片是在南港捷运站拍的。还记得当时为了拍完几米的整幅作品,我和妹妹被工作人员赶了好多次;经过的列车应该有5个班次或更多,车里的人一定以为我们傻了,一直不上火车。但我们还是成功了,哈哈!


期待了那么久,终于上映了。 电影确实勾起许多回忆。想当年念书时无忧无虑,什么古灵精怪的点子都理所当然。如果可以回到过去,我一定会更热血、更疯狂! 喜欢九把刀的对白。因为我也曾经说过相同的话。真是英雄所见略同! 就算我现在不会log,十年后我还是会活得好好的。 我要做个很厉害的人。 人生就是不停的在战斗。 很肯定的是:我更爱台湾啦!我要去十分放天灯 =) 25岁还有资格和青春沾上边吧,哈哈! 我的青春还有一点点,一定要过得更快乐、更充实、更热血!

2 divas in 2 weeks

a lot of people think PR means attending events & meeting celebs, that is so darn wrong! pls stop asking me if i meet celebs everyday? no i dont. and i hope i dont have to meet them. having celebs at any event is way too tiring, for me at least.  have been busy with 2 events since last week. first one was a cocktail event, the VVIP is a super star celeb from the US. if you read the papers, you know who im referring to. she's ok but her fans are crazy! the whole event is so messy. moreover due to the miscommunication among client and agencies and other third parties, there're so much of crisis management and follow up. not fun at all. i hate being blamed for things that are none of my business. yes im controlled by my ego, so what?!   just last night i witnessed the crowning of a brand new beauty queen. this is another dealing-with-the-diva exercise for me. luckily this is not my account. im just the keh leh feh running around to help my bosses with the execution. ...

it's BFF's birthday!

have a super cool birthday, BFF! 


必须用华语,因为要公布老板的衰样。气死我了! 老板真的很坏,更何况是黑人老板,超吝啬、超没时间观念。我没得吃饭,穿高跟鞋站5小时,最后还留我一人孤军作战!真是坏透了。 自己喝红酒、扮高贵、拼命找VIP聊天攀关系就很厉害吗?还不是空壳子一枚!不要以为人家看不穿你,其实黑人还不就是黑人。没什么了不起嘛。有本事就不要令办公室断电断水,超没水准的。超虚伪的家伙,我讨厌你们。 我在此郑重宣布:老板都是坏人!我一定会继续唱衰他们!得罪我的人,通常没好下场,自己看着办吧。   我一定会比他们更成功的! 发奋图强中!加油! 不打败你们,我不姓叶!


从今天开始,我要更加油! 天天都是好天,天天都充满阳光。 小人、坏人远离我!