
Showing posts from May, 2006

Jeff's birthday

5月30日~~Jeffery的20岁大寿 林泽飞先生: 自从你替我庆祝我的16岁生日, 我就好想为你办个有趣的生日派对... 所谓礼尚往来嘛... 但, 很可惜的是, 每一年你的生日, 你总会消失一阵子... 不是去露营... 就是回家乡... 总之一定不会在KL出现... 直到现在, 我都还没机会还你这个人情... 去年就想好了在你20岁生日时, 为你办个以香蕉为主题的生日会... 因为你实在太爱吃香蕉了... 哈哈... 没想到今年的生日你又不在... 你将到印度去咯... 去那儿干什么, 我也不太清楚... 在你未出发的前几天, 收到你传来的简讯, 告诉我你快出国了... 想邀我出来喝茶... 很无奈的, 当时我还在redang... 又错过了和你庆祝生日的机会... 也许这是注定的吧... 注定我必须欠你一个人情... 算了啦, 拖了那么多年... 我也该放弃了... 生日会不必办了... 就祝福你早日当上医生... 完成你的梦想... 健健康康快快乐乐... 还有你最爱的: 永远lengcai... ^ ^ 老了一岁, 长大了... 以后就别再那么爱骗我了... 你总是有一堆骗我的理由... 说什么是为了训练我日后蹋入社会不再那么容易受骗... 被你训练了那么多年... 我也有了一定的免疫能力... 现在没那么容易上当了... 你可以放心啦... (其实, 这世上就只有你一个人喜欢骗我...) 最重要的是: 永远记得我这个可爱的朋友... 不然我一定宰了你... 哈哈... 加油哦... 未来的大医生... HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!

back from redang...

enjoyed the trip... that's what i could say... snorkelling was a great experience... loved it so much... i saw sharks in the sea... n lots of NEMO too... i'll be back... haha...


收拾凌乱已久的房间... 虽然我知道不需三两天, 它又会变成老样子... 看 , , ... vcd/dvd... 再不看, 我就快过时了吧... 阅读一堆买了许久却还没看完的书... 买了却不动, 浪费$$... 是时候把它们一一看完... 整理收集了的剪报... 我最爱的KKK, 小美, 一堆心理测验, 食谱... 还有很多很多... 尽情地玩!!! 我将去pulau redang + 新加坡... 希望有机会到kuala lipis探望若倩... renew passport... 不然怎么去新加坡?? 继续计划我漫长的假期...


书上常说水瓶座的人朋友很多, 但知心的没几个... 我非常赞同... 当我把朋友归类于不同的等级: 普通朋友... 蛮好的朋友... 非常要好的朋友... 我发现所结交的朋友都是因为在一块学习而认识的... 小学同学... 中学同学... 学院的同学... 补习的朋友... 而说真的, 交心的知己... 一只手就能数清了吧... 但没关系, 知心朋友贵精不贵多... 四五位就够了... 和普通朋友之间的交情可以轻描淡写来形容... 并没深交... 见面的时候, 打打招呼... 并没什么好聊的... 最多也只有加一句: 最近还好吧? 或 最近在忙什么? 交换近况后就各走各的... 我还蛮多这类型的朋友... 都是以前的同学吧... 久没见面了, 再加上以前念书时的交情也不深... 再次见面, 真的不知该说些什么... 交情不错的朋友也分为很多种类... 种类1: 很久不见了, 但见面时总有说不完的话题... 很幸运的, 我和几位小学同学保持着这样的友谊... 时不时见面都会有新的火花... 可以天南地北地聊一整天... 中学时期的朋友也有吧... 最感动的就是在大大小小的节日里收到他们传来的简讯... 心里总是暖暖的... 也会不经意想起彼此间的那段青涩又甜蜜回忆... 种类2: 有些朋友原本和我的感情还不赖, 但有了另一半后, 就消失得无影无踪... 有时候真的很讨厌这类型的朋友... 重色轻友的东西... 好过份哦... 以往常约我看戏吃饭聊天... 现在就无事不登三宝殿... 有事相求的时候才会现身... 男生女生都这样... 只要有了男女朋友...整个世界就只有对方... 难道友情与爱情就不能并存吗? 非常要的好朋友... 定义很简单... 只要你伤心难过... 他一定会借出耳朵让你诉苦... 在你不想说话的时候, 静静地在你身旁支持你... 你开心时, 最想和他分享... 我很幸运身边有这样的朋友陪着... 无论发生什么事都会互相鼓励... 一起实现彼此的承诺与梦想... 感谢他们... 让我的生活增添不少色彩... 随着科技的发展... 上网交朋友并不稀奇... 我也有几位感情蛮不错的网友... 大家虽然不曾见面, 但就像老朋友一样... 互相关心... 有时候互相吐嘈一番... 心情也会好许多... 我还蛮欣赏在部落格结交的朋友... 大家透过文...

some lovely pics~~

members of room 4: mel wong, zai, me, mel lai, lily, raya 4 pretty gals @ lubuk simpon, taman negara zai, me, debbie, raya, mel, lily us again~~ yvonne + me + charlene luo qian + me me+ jessica these are my classmates who i would really miss after college... thanks for all the sweet sweet memories in the past 2 n half years... all the best ya~~


在5月17日上午10.30, 考试结束后... 我可算顺利毕业了... 虽然还不知道这个学期的成绩, 但我肯定我一定毕得了业... 心情还蛮兴奋的... 拼了2年半... 心血没白费吧... 认识了一群新朋友... 也更确认自己的理想... 人也成熟了咯... 一直都希望出国留学, 没想到最后会决定留在taylors升学... 也不错啦... 总认为自己还没做好出去闯的心理准备... 还是再待多一两年才打算... 我的购物狂病毒越来越严重了... 这几个星期花了不少钱... 买了一堆有的没的... 有时候真不明白为何自己会那么爱花钱... 这是女生的本性吧... 哈哈... 现在开始必须节制一些... 要不然当朋友们邀我去旅行时, 我该上哪儿去要钱... 总不能每一次都开口向父母领钱去玩吧... 所以呢, 我想找份容易赚钱又好玩的工作... 最好是不需天天开工... 那当有节目的时候, 我便可以赴约... 不必因为有工作而失去了和朋友一块玩乐的机会... 但世上哪有白吃的午餐?? 若有那么好的工作, 大家就不需常为生活烦恼了啦... (面对现实) ... 像我那么懒的人... 该从事什么工作呢... 好伤脑筋哦... 哈哈... 是时候好好计划我的假期... 好想到处去玩玩逛逛...

another sleepy day..

since day one of study break, i worked very hard to concentrate on revision... no matter how much effort i tried to put in... i'll get sleepy very fast... can only study for not more than an hour, then i have to rest =p it's mothers' day today... did not go anywhere for celebration due to 2 reasons... dad is not feeling well n there'll be lots of people out there celebrating... we hate to be stuck in heavy traffic or crowded restaurant... as what my mum always says, if we listen to her, be obedient, study hard, don't make her angry... everyday is mother's day... so i assume that im a good daughter who is always obedient, study very hard for final examinations... conclusion: we don't really need any celebration today, we celebrate it everyday~~ hehe... by the way, still have to wish my dearest mummy HAPPY MOTHERS' DAY yeah~~~ i know i should be studying now since i'll be having exams on tuesday... i'm trying my best to pay attention to revision.....

study break

in the midst of my last study break... which means exams is coming soon... it's my finals... will get diploma very very soon... obviously im not ready to get a job yet... i had tried working during internship... it's not fun tho... i have decided to continue with my degree in taylors... it takes only 1 n half years... most important, it'll b an aussie degree... sounds good deal yea... going overseas is 1 of my dremas since young... anyway i believe i'll still have the opportunity to study abroad later... maybe master or phd... who knows... well, talking bout the exams... due to some unforseen circumstances... most probably cant get an A for project... might be B+ or even worse... did quite badly in econs assignment... n that cost another border line A- or B+ for that subject... the only subject that i have confident in is Moral... really hope i could maintian my 3.8 cgpa... i know it's quite tough to do that at this moment... since i have calculated again n again......

thomas cup 2006

malasyia lost... sad sad... anyway, i believe we could make it 2 years later... im not a badminton fans but i watched thomas cup becoz i really like him... KOO KIEN KEAT... he's so cool n good looking... yeah... wish him all da best in all his matches... he's a great player too... quite aggressive while playing the game... that's the spirit man!!