
Showing posts from July, 2008

movie marathon

在短短两个星期看了5部电影... 很棒吧... 就因为我知道, 以我的习惯, 开始工作后一定很少有时间去戏院看戏... 就算有时间都选择回家休息啦... so, 我非常羡慕那些下班后还有精力去逛街的人们... 他们不会累吗?? anyway 趁现在时间多得是... 就应该把所有想看的戏一一观赏... Hancock 还不错... 有些梗还蛮好笑的... 是有点夸张啦... 如果世界上真的有那么厉害的 super hero... 就不需要发明炸弹啦... but 我喜欢 storyline 和 PR 有关... 哈哈... 知道 PR 的工作伟大了吧... PR officer 可以改变 public 对某个人或某件事的态度与看法... 很多人好爱问我: 到底 PR 做什么... 下次我可以叫那些人去看 Hancock... 哈哈... Get Smart storyline 比较实际... 也还不错... 风景很美... 让我有想去 backpacking 的冲动... but i know i cant... so it's really great motivation for me to work really hard to save money for the trip... 赤壁 这套戏最搞笑... 我一直 relate it with raleigh's committee... to b more precise... our president... 当曹操问: 为什么刘备一直打败仗, 但还是有那么多贤人猛将愿意替他打江山? 我马上想到 president... 他都一把年纪了, 还那么笨... 为何我们还是愿意接受他呢? 哈哈... 当某个将军拿了一幅地图献给曹操... 我又联想到 president... 他 monday 也画了一幅 diagram, then 和 karlye 争吵从 zhiyong 家去 cherating 的距离... 我想这是 too active 于 raleigh 的后遗症... 整套戏我一直想到 raleigh... 一直忍着笑... 我不能再让这样的事情发生了... anyway 诸葛亮的对白真的好好笑 =p The Dark Knight 有点恐怖... joker 很吓人... 毁容过后的...

PAWS * Kuantan * sg lembing * cherating

非常期待这个周末... 因为我终于可以去 kuantan 了... 一大早先去 PAWS 完成 PIW 的最后一次 activity... 我竟然没有迷路... 成功抵达 subang... 超有成就感... 哈哈... 怕动物的我对这次的 visit 一点都不兴奋... anyway, 我还是很配合地去 brush the cats... 看我多认真地在工作... 如果 IW 有 best coordinator, 我肯定会 win the award... mayb i should suggest that to vincent in the next IW... hahaha... after that, 回家收拾行李去 kuantan visit our pharmer zhiyong... 之前发生了不少误会, 但大家还是很兴奋地起程... 难得可以去 outstation meeting mah... so 大家是应该 enjoy 的... oklah... 接下来发生了好多意想不到的事情... 本小姐懒得解释... 等 mr pharmacist upload 了 pictures 我才继续说故事啦... 从 thursday 开始到今天... 玩了好多天... 我很累哦... 我要睡了...

很忙 很忙

这两天, 失业的我被捉去卖 donuts... 站了两天... 很累... 浪费很多口水... 可是成果不错... 看来我的 persuasion skills 还可以拿出来骗骗人... 昨天去 Help 卖了一整天的 donuts... 晚上还得去 surprise vincent on his birthday... 幸好我有很 efficient 的 spy... 还有很配合我们的 auntie + uncle... 不然一定不会成功的... 由于昨晚玩得太兴奋... 今天早上赖床赖了很久... 直到 william call 我... 我才弹起来飞去 taylors... 生意很好... 人手不足... jia yaw 忽然有事不能来... president 有工作没完成... 惟有我一人独撑大局... 我有证据证明我这两天很认真在为 raleigh 服务... 很努力地在推销 donuts.. 很认真地在推销 raleigh KL + expedition


每天睡到日上三竿... 忽然觉得自己好像在浪费光阴... 我不能再这样无所事事了... 应该认真找工作... 而且不做工一直出去玩花很多钱咯... 我的扑满快养不活我了... 虽然忙 raleigh 的事很开心啦... 但 army rations 并不能养活我... 我的前途必须好好打算... luyi 加油吧... 玩够了啦... 该赚钱养自己了...

happy day

meeting up with ah yao n raleigh gang have always been fun... watched get smart with ah yao today.. the movie was not bad.. quite funny lah... however, highlight of the day was both of us weren't sure on how to get out from the cinema.. thought of going out thru the way we came in but it was blocked... haha.. think my poor sense of direction has affected our 5+3 president who is always bright n smart.. sorry dear.. tried a few clothes but didn't manage to grab anything... anyway was really happy to meet yao n share my stories... prs is always a good listener, tambahan pula u r the only person who know all the cerita... haha... karlye invited me to join charlie's piw meeting as alpha is collaborating with them... since im the so-called pr officer yang paling free... i have to go lah... need to clarify some very important issues with alpha n charlie... i really have to meet the boss, jia yaw loh... we are the only team which hasn't submit participants report... plus i nee...

sweet-sweet day

i had dessert for dinner..

still jobless

im still jobless but im enjoying my life here.. love spending time with ah yao.. love sharing stories with 5+3.. love going for lunch n shopping with sis.. enjoying all the yum cha sessions.. raleigh meetings.. birthday surprises.. yup, im glad that im still jobless.. haha.. so that i can spend more time with ah yao, raleigh n sis.. wish i could go back to long pasia, kudat, macau n hk... haih, i should have resigned earlier mah...


自从我很潇洒地辞职后, 每天都过着睡觉 + 看电视 + 吃东西 + 讲话的日子... 有时候外加逛街和忙 PIW... 今天终于决定 contact 以前在 roots 的 manager... 问她还需不需要我回去... 一直都认为回去工作的机会很大... 所以并没有很担心... 也没有找其它工作... 可是 yeeling 说她等我很久了... plus 上次她 call 我, 我还几次都没接她电话... 她以为我没兴趣回去... 而且他们刚请人了... 当我听她那么说, 我感觉得出他们有点不爽我回来那么久没联络他们... but, 我也有自己的梦想吖... 我以为到别的地方闯一闯可以学到新的东西... 毕竟我两次 internship 都在同一个地方... 现在知道自己把一切想得太美... 想吃回头草了... 才知道人家不稀罕我回去了啦... 连 manager 也将离职了... 怎么办呢?? 难道我还得当双失青年多一阵子... 其实, 我有想过回去念书... 那么就不必工作了嘛... 可以减少很多烦恼... 可是 luyi 已经长大了... 不可以那么不负责任... 继续加油吧!! 我相信天无绝人之路... 而且船到桥头自然直... 加油加油加油!!!

HK part 3


HK part 2

the legend jay chou? the cuties the peace makers the wizards

HK Madame Tussauds Musuem

the 007s the oldies the clones the classics the twins

mummy loves andy lau

see how happy my mum is when she sees andy lau... cant imagine what she'll do when she meets the real andy... ps: my mum scolded me for posting her pictures online without her permission... but i think i must share the pix loh.. it's all so cute mah... haha... she said she's going to sue me.. no worries, i have lawyer kiu to save me here..

full time raleigh

hav been spending 10 hours with 2 of my alpha anaks since afternoon... we went to HELP... then PAWS... then J CO at sunway... it's all for Alpha's PIW project... they r so bersemangat... beria-ia nak dapatkan sponsor cari J CO... ada lagi plan nak bina shelter untuk PAWS... making me very passionate with their plans too... by 5pm rica has to drop her fren off at KL... so we went to times square for tea time... we talked about the syarat-syarat of our ideal partner... suddenly some1 started the topic: how gay-ish vincent n zhiyong are... OMG... im not the only 1 who think they r gay loh... even his sis agree that the 2 guys r super 'ai mei'... anyway, we talked about lots of gossips lah... i dont feel like their coordinator loh, more like their kawan... mayb it's becoz im always so approachable n nice to every1... haha... after all this urusan rasmi, we went to ss2 Murni to meet the rest of Alpha n our dearest president + miss life time pooh promoter + miss soon to b...

i left!!

Dear frens, I have quit my job n is officially jobless now... haha...

i must leave, must!!

i have made up my mind to resign... i know i have been telling the whole world that im resigning soon but till today im still working at this so-called boutique pr company... now i understand y they name it boutique... coz it's really small... i have just worked here for a month, i know it's pretty short but seriously i cant take it anymore... i am not happy... i hate going to work... i wish im sick everyday... my boss thinks she's the queen n we r all her slaves... when she wants us to be square.. die die also we have to be square... when she asks us to sit, no one dares to stand... it's more tiring than being in the military loh... n im definitely not a trained puppet... i have my own stand... i can think n act better... i know i deserve better treatment n believe that im capable to contribute more... so after some heart-to-heart chats with various kawan-kawan... i finally decided to leave this silly place even before i found a new job... by sacrificing $$$ in order t...


亲爱的朋友们, 我回来啦!! 忙里偷闲了几天, 又快回到工作岗位了... 快乐的时间过得特别快... 其实也没有很闲啦... 哈哈.. 5天逛了好多地方... 买了不少东西... 拍了超多 photos... 还有满脸的痘痘... hk 空气太污浊了啦... 害我的脸遭殃... 讨厌!! 这几天不用烦工作... 我过得好开心 loh... 假期过完了, 是时候好好打算未来的路该怎么走下去... 我要加油哦!!!


倒数了好一段时间... 终于到了去玩的日子啦... 超兴奋的... 其实可以几天不用去做工是最最令我开心的原因... 主席快回来了... 也好让人开心哦... 昨晚和 pei ting + vincent 一起吃晚餐... 我期待了蛮久的... 是我第一份薪水哦... 最期待的是 pei ting 讲了个让我差点 heart attack 的 news... OMG!! 过后去 desa park city 和Amy 庆祝生日... 虽然认识了不久... 但和她蛮谈得来的... happy birthday!! 每次和 raleigh 的朋友见面总有很多欢笑 + 八卦... 可以认识一班那么可爱的朋友... 我真的很幸福... 因为我知道: 若我需要他们, 他们一定会出现...